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Background on the ASSET Bill

On April 29, 2013, Governor Hickenlooper signed Senate Bill 13-033, Advancing Students for a Stronger Economy Tomorrow (ASSET) into law. ASSET provides an additional pathway for students to qualify for in-state tuition classification at Colorado institutions of higher education. This bill allows U.S. citizens, permanent resident aliens, and students without lawful immigration status (examples: no status, Deferred Action) to qualify for in-state tuition rates if they meet certain conditions. 

To qualify for ASSET, a student must meet the following criteria:

  • Have attended a public or private high school in Colorado for at least three years immediately preceding graduation or earning a GED in Colorado;
  • Be admitted to a Colorado college or university within 12 months of graduation from a Colorado high school or earning a GED in Colorado OR show 18 months of continuous physical presence in Colorado if you graduated prior to September 1, 2013;
  • Complete an affidavit with the Colorado College Opportunity Fund (COF) indicating that you have applied for legal presence or will apply as soon as you are eligible to do so.

Procedure for Requesting ASSET In-State Tuition Rate

To qualify for in-state tuition under the ASSET bill, students will need to submit the ASSET In-State Tuition Application and provide all required documentation to the Registrar's Office.

Required documentation to qualify for ASSET includes:

  • An official final high school transcript showing three years of attendance at a Colorado high school immediately before obtaining your Colorado high school diploma or Colorado GED;
  • Submit official Colorado GED transcript (if applicable);
  • Submit official proof of acceptance at a Colorado college or university (for institutions other than UNC) within 12 months of graduation from a Colorado high school/completion of a Colorado GED;
  • Complete ASSET In-State Tuition Application and
  • COF Application and Affidavit (if the student is without lawful immigration status)

If you graduated from a Colorado high school or completed a Colorado GED prior to September 1, 2013, you may need to provide additional documentation:

If you were not accepted into a Colorado college or university within 12 months of graduating/completion of GED, you MUST submit documentation of 18 months of continuous physical presence in Colorado prior to the first day of classes.

  • Preferred Documentation:
    • Lease agreement signed by all parties, rent receipts, tenant ledgers, cancelled rent checks, or letters from landlords indicating the property address and dates of residence;
    • Proof of home ownership (deeds or mortgages);
    • If you lived with a friend or relative, provide a statement from that person indicating the property address and the dates you lived with him/her (You must also provide a copy of their lease, deed, or rent receipts)
  • Optional Documentation:
    • Signed copies of Colorado income tax return;
    • School records (transcripts, etc.);
    • Colorado identification card or driver’s license;
    • Proof of employment (check stubs);
    • Vehicle registration;
    • Bank statements;
    • Hospital or medical records;
    • Insurance policies;
    • Any other relevant document will be accepted on a case-by-case basis

Additional Information

UNC Contacts

ASSET questions: 970-351-2910
COF Questions: 970-351-4862